Plot: An art teacher finds himself depressed when he loses all his students to war. He moves to a small rural town and settles down. He rebrands himself as a kite maker and marries a local girl who never speaks. That is until a musician settles down and steals her heart. But he too well have to go to war when the Japanese invade China.
August 08, 2024
A pleasant Chinese romance with minor arthouse touches. It's somewhat of a forgotten film (and virtually impossible to find these days), which is a little disappointing as there is a lot to like here. The film could use a better quality release, as it could help to highlight the cinematography, even so, I don't think that would've been enough to keep it a personal favorite the second time around.
The performances are good, the cinematography is nice and the editing is interesting. The theatrical/arthouse touch is also nice, but the film doesn't do quite enough to set itself apart from similar (and better) films of that era. For fans of Chinese rural dramas, this is an easy recommendation, good luck finding it though.
April 01, 2006
[review pending]