Plot: Ann is recovering from a traumatized childhood, as her mother was possessed by a demon. Ann believes she is a vessel of God against evil forces, but the Church doesn't allow women to carry out exorcisms. For the time being, Ann takes care of possessed patients in a special facility, until she convinces one of her teachers to give her special privileges to attend his classes.
December 13, 2022
A basic exorcism film with a little feminism thrown in for good measure. It had no impact on the film whatsoever, except that for once we get a female lead, abolishing demons. The rest of the film is pretty standard fare. It's not my favorite niche and Prey for the Devil didn't do much to change that, but I've seen a lot worse.
The build-up is pretty decent, performances are solid and there are some proper horror moments. It's all very cookie-cutter though and it sticks a little too close to genre clichés. The ending lacks punch and nothing of worth is done with the concept of the female exorcist, making you wonder why they even bothered. Solid horror filler, nothing more.