November 13, 2017
Hiroki tackles a weird romance manga with a plot that never really made sense to me. It might be a cultural thing (but one I never came across before), or maybe the manga made things clearer, but the romantic complications were truly nonsensical, so much that it affected the rest of the film.
Kako is desperate for a girlfriend, so she joins a mixer for university students. There she meets Kota, a boy who is not only considerably older than she is, he's also a police officer. The two hit it off, but when Kota finds out that Kako is much younger than he is, he struggles to continue the relationship.
How you go from that premise to a forced marriage was beyond me, but maybe I missed something. The first hour is pretty decent, thanks to the lovely setting and some vintage Hiroki touches, the second hour is dominated by the narrative and is less interesting. Not a terrible film, but if someone can explain what the heck was going on here, please do!