Un Monde
2021 / 72m - Belgium
Playground poster

Plot: When Nora joins the school of her older brother Abel, she doesn't know anybody there. Her brother has his own friends and Nora feels neglected. Slowly she opens up to some other girls and things are looking up. Then she finds out her brother is being bullied, but Nora is unsure of how to stop it.


November 28, 2023


A very singular film, that sticks to its premise quite vehemently, but fails to make a strong point. I respect the idea of the film, and it is executed with the proper skill and flair, but after 72 minutes I wasn't quite sure what I was supposed to take away from it. At least it didn't leave me entirely cold.

The performances are strong, especially for such young kids. The camera keeps a tight focus on Nora and never leaves the school grounds, which makes for a claustrophobic watch. Other than that, the story about school bullying felt a little underdeveloped and it comes with some very predictable (and gender-conforming) twists. Not bad, but I liked the idea better than I liked the film.