1955 / 115m - USA
Drama, Romance
Picnic poster

Plot: Carter moves from town to town, until he reaches a small place where he runs into an old pal. He wants to ask him for a job, but he ends up seducing the man's girl. She falls for Carter's charms immediately, even though everybody in town tries to warn here that Carter has a shady past.


October 10, 2024


Kitsch to the nth degree. This is the kind of Hollywood cinema that gets on my nerves, it's no surprise that this got an Academy nomination back in the day. Everything about this film feels overdone and lacks conviction. It's stage drama of the worst kind, filmed in the worst possible way.

The performances are grotesque, the colors are ugly and the drama comes with an overdose of sentimentality. I also didn't care for the classic US rural setting. The second half of the film is a bit more animated, but by then I was mostly waiting for the film to finish. At nearly two hours long, that moment comes way too late.