Wang Luo Xiong Ling
2020 / 94m - China
The Perilous Internet Ring poster

Plot: Someone is writing additional chapters to an old and forgotten web novel. The people who originally wrote the novel are found murdered exactly as described in the new chapters. A young university student teams up with an expert in the paranormal to investigate the murders.


July 03, 2024


Tsuruta, once one of the leading Japanese horror directors, ended up in China, making a simple streamer horror that feels flaccid and uninspired. Sure enough, the "web novel" setup gives it a more contemporary (Chinese) spin, but it's not enough to add much value to what is just a very basic horror film.

The horror scenes are basic, the investigation is simplistic and the presentation feels cheap. Some scenes are decent, and Tsuruta has a lot of experience under his belt, but most of the film leans on clichés that were established more than two decades ago. It's time for something new.