Kimi no Tame ni Dekiru Koto
1999 / 113m - Japan
Drama, Romance
Peace of Mind poster

Plot: Takase is a young field recording engineer who goes to Okinawa to join a documentary crew. He has a girlfriend at home with which he emails, but the distance puts a strain on their relationship. Things become even more complicated when Yoko joins the crew as a reporter. Takase falls in love with her, but she has other worries.


August 23, 2024


A drama with slight arthouse sensibilities. The arthouse elements aren't too pronounced, at its heart this is a pretty straightforward mix of drama and romance, but the documentary bits and the somewhat slower pacing make this a slightly less accessible film. That's not a bad thing though.

The setting is interesting, the performances are strong and Shinohara's direction is subtle. If you like the turn-of-the-century dramas this is an easy recommendation, but the film lacks a slicker finish to make an even bigger impact. Still, this is one of Shinohara's better films, it's a shame it took so long to surface.