Plot: A young male shut-in is spending all his time behind his computer. When he hears about a terrorist attack he panics. He has no contact with the outside world and he has no idea what he is supposed to do. Two girls follow his story online, but the more they see the more worried they get.
December 18, 2024
As much as I love Fukui, I struggle to see how he could produce a film like this. His cyberpunk work is mad and energetic, and a testament to his skill to deliver on a shoestring budget. Onne has an interesting enough premise, but the presentation is lacking and the film looks cheap from start to finish.
Which is a shame, because the setup is pretty tense and I would've loved to have seen Fukui's signature treatment on a film like this. It's still worth a watch, especially if you like a left-field horror film without too much explicit gore or explicit scares. Just don't go in expecting a new Rubber's Lover of 964 Pinocchio.