Plot: Red Riding Hood is stopped in her tracks by a witch, who messes up her garderobe. Soon after she bumps into Cinderella, who is isn't allowed to go to the Prince's ball. The witch transforms the women into beauties, but on their way to the ball, their chariot hits a man and kills him. They hide his body in the bushes and continue their journey.
November 03, 2024
Fukuda tackles two fairytales of the brothers Grimm and reconstructs them into a comical murder mystery. I'm not sure what exactly it is that triggered Fukuda to do so, but the result is pretty amusing, if a little safe and gentle. I prefer it when Fukuda gets a little crazier than he does here.
The presentation is decent but it's weird seeing Japanese actors inhabiting the Grimm universe. The comedy isn't very edgy, the plot doesn't have much to offer, and there's a lack of urgency, but the setup of the film is solid enough to pull the audience through 105 minutes of unabashed entertainment.