Plot: Jim Wilson is a hardened, introverted cop, who gets sanctioned by his captain. He is sent to a little town where he has to help out with a murder investigation. There he meets Mary, a blind woman with a strong will. Wilson is attracted to her, the problem is that the murder's primary suspect is her brother.
August 23, 2024
There are some big names attached to this film. Ray helms the film, while Lupino is credited as the lead actress and co-director. Not that it shows in the final result. On Dangerous Ground is a pretty bland and generic film noir, sporting the usual traits that do absolutely nothing for me.
The acting is overstated, the plot is simplistic and lacks the tension needed to keep it interesting and the presentation is dull, despite the focus on strong black-and-white contrasts. The only positive here is that the film is short, clocking in well under 90 minutes, but the film certainly felt longer to me.