Plot: The film centers around a brutal and random killing that occurred in the center of Akihabara. The true motive of the perpetrator was never discovered, but the aftermath of his actions are permanent scars on the city and those whose lives were affected. A young girl saw her family torn to shreds when her mother was killed in the incident, another young girl left home to try and find happiness in Akihabara, and a young boy works as a delivery guy to support himself and his irresponsible mother. All three are
February 03, 2023
A stylish Japanese drama with some remarkable modern touches. Not too surprising since we're dealing with an Akihabara-based story that involves three young tangentially related people. The cinematography is a touch livelier, the soundtrack has some very interesting electronic influences, the characters are a bit more out there and it's clear that writer/director Yusaku Matsumoto had a close affinity with the universe of his film. The punchy ending is just the cherry on the cake. Watch this if you're craving slightly edgier and more contemporary dramas.