![No poster](/thumbs/img/posters/300xauto/no-2012.webp)
Plot: Augusto Pinochet is forced to put a referendum regarding his presidency. Both Yes and No campaigns get 15 minutes of TV time every day. This prompts the No campaign to hire a reckless advertiser. Under strict supervision, he develops a daring plan that may win them the election.
December 29, 2023
Cute, but a little long and repetitive. I wasn't familiar with the story, which is based on real events, though the comedic undertones make me a little weary of how much truth-bending was involved. Regardless, it makes for a pretty amusing film, which was more than I expected going in.
Bernal's performance is strong and the premise is golden. I wasn't too happy with the filter to make the film look older and the advertising angle started to wear a little thing after a while. Even so, it's pretty crazy to think a version of this actually happened, and Larraín did a decent job turning that into a movie.