2024 / 101m - USA
Never Let Go poster

Plot: A mother lives with her two young sons in the woods. An evil is lurking out there, the only thing protecting them is their house. They can venture outside, but only when they remain tied to the house. The sons never noticed anything strange outside, and they are starting to doubt their mother's stories.


October 12, 2024


Aja's latest film has an interesting enough premise, but it quickly devolves into an "is it real or not" type of story. Those can be good when the execution is tense and gripping, sadly, that just isn't the case here. The "evil" is too bland and unimaginative, which hinders the narrative part of this film.

It's a shame because the setting is lovely and Aja builds up a nice mood. The performances aren't too great though and the horror elements could've been more outspoken. It's not a terrible film, it's nice to see something new from Aja, but this is hardly up there with his best work. Just decent horror filler.