Plot: A hitman kidnaps two young girls during a job in Bulgaria. One of the girls has a mysterious penchant. When he snatches it off of her, it transports him back in time. The only way to return is to help out some local folk in their quest to beat an evil warlord. Not the most inspired story, but it's decent enough for this type of entertainment.
April 06, 2021
I've never seen the first two films in the franchise, but since it's an Uwe Boll project I figured it wouldn't matter that much. I was right. In the Name of the King 3 is a simple action film with a rather ridiculous premise, executed with a minimum of talent, but with a nose for entertainment and fun.
Dominique Purcell has to carry the film, but he's a pretty dire action hero. His performance is by far the worst part of In the Name of the King 3. The CG is also pretty crummy and the uninspired direction isn't great either, but at least there's some genre fun to be had. Far from a great film, but not quite as bad as some make it out to be.