Plot: Hiiragi has trouble making friends, even though he does his best to please others. When he helps out a young girl one day, his life is about to change forever. Tsumugi is a demon girl on a quest to find her mother. She is roaming the human world, and she enlists Hiirage to help her in her journey.
August 15, 2024
Another summery fantasy anime. For years, Japanese animation companies have tried to replicate the success of Ghibli (originally) and Shinkai (once Ghibli dropped their output). With little success. Films like My Oni Girl are nice enough, but they're also quite generic and predictable, lacking the magic that makes their role models so popular.
The animation is a bit limited, the plot is predictable and the film lacks edge. It's all very neat and proper, sporting familiar anime clichés and proven formulas. There are some nice moments and the film is likable enough, but I've seen a few too many of these films to be blown away by them still. Decent anime fantasy filler, but no standout.