Kimi ga Sekai no Hajimari
2020 / 115m - Japan
My Name Is Yours poster

Plot: Em and Kotoko have been friends since childhood, but their bond changes as they grow up and boys start to enter the picture. Kotoko is in love with a soccer player, who shows a bigger interest in Em. Meanwhile, Em has befriended the coolest guy in school, but he has his eyes on Kotoko. As the kids struggle with friendships, romance, and their relationships with their parents, a vile crime is about to shake up the neighborhood. The identity of the criminal remains a mystery, the only thing that is known is t


June 08, 2024


Fukuda's second feature film is a solid mix of drama and romance elements, far removed from the oddball comedy she served in her first film. Once again she displays a unique signature though. The film is a typical Japanese slice-of-live/coming-of-age affair, but Fukuda adds some nice touches that help elevate the film above its peers. The cinematography is stylish, the performances solid, and some neat plot twists give the film its peculiar rhythm. It's not a film that will convert people to Japanese cinema, but fans will undoubtedly appreciate what Fukuda did here.