2023 / 115m - USA
Action, Thriller
The Mother poster

Plot: A highly skilled soldier barely escapes her assailants when asking for protection from the FBI. She gives birth to a daughter not much later, the only way to properly protect the child is to put her with a foster family. Years later she gets a message that her daughter is in danger, so she gears up and sets out to save her.


November 12, 2024


A basic action vehicle build around Jennifer Lopez, who's trying to prove she's still a bad bitch. There's also an attempt at an emotional layer, but that part falls completely flat. Cutting it out would've also saved on the runtime, then again, with a title like The Mother it seems they were fully invested.

The action scenes are decent, the icy setting is fun and Lopez isn't too bad. The kid is annoying though and the bad guys are crummy, which is quite fatal for a film like this. It's not the worst of its kind, but I wouldn't have minded a shorter and more edgy version, just to make it stand out more from similar films.