Plot: The emperor needs an heir, but he is still without child. To speed up the process several concubines are summoned, but among them is someone who wants to sabotage the empress and have her child be the next in line. The emperor suspects that something is afoul, and he wants to get to the bottom of the case.
December 10, 2024
Chang and Wong do their thing for iQiyi. This feels like a classic Hong Kong comedy, only redone as a contemporary Chinese streamer film. It doesn't make a lot of sense to revisit this niche bit of cinema, but Jing Wong is a legend so I guess he pulled some strings. The result is somewhat amusing, but far from great.
The comedy is silly and daft, but that's what these films are all about. The cast feels a bit lost and the presentation is flimsy, but there are some wacky moments and Wong clearly had a lot of fun directing/coaching this. Fans of old Jing Wong comedies should give this a go, others would do best to avoid this one.