Plot: A young Korean family is moving from California to Alabama. They hope to start their life anew and become more self-sufficient. They start a little farm, growing Korean vegetables. Subtle racism and barren living conditions take their toll on the family, as the American dream is slowly being punctured.
March 23, 2024
For a while now, Asian-American cinema has been lauded as something worthy, whereas it's just plain old US drama with Asian-looking people. Minari is no different. It's a predictable, somewhat sentimental, and even borderline cheesy drama. It might as well be directed by Clint Eastwood.
The performances are decent and the setting is idyllic, but that's about it. The drama is pedestrian, the themes aren't all that original and the characters are very stereotypical. It's not a terrible film, but it isn't that noteworthy either. I guess having A24 plastered on top of it must've helped with the prestige, but that bit of branding didn't make the film better.