Lahn Mah
2024 / 125m - Thailand
How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies poster

Plot: M's hopes of making a good salary as a streamer quickly dissipate. Taking a cue from his niece, he visits his terminally ill grandmother, hoping to earn his part of her inheritance. M quickly discovers that he's not the only one who has had this idea, other family members are trying to do the same thing.


March 23, 2025


A gentle, though somewhat predictable, film about a young boy who spends more time with his grandma hoping to get her inheritance. It's a pleasant slice-of-life drama that slowly makes its way to an inevitable ending, giving you time to properly bond with the characters while also showcasing some of Thailand's culture.

The performances are nice, the presentation is pleasant and the pacing is okay for a film like this (but expect it to be rather slow). There aren't too many surprising elements though and two hours might've been a tad long, but I never lost interest. It's not the most notable film, but still worth it if you're looking for calming, somewhat emotional filler.