Die Ehe der Maria Braun
1979 / 120m - West Germany
The Marriage of Maria Braun poster

Plot: During the final days of the war, Maria marries Hermann, only for him to disappear days before the war is over. Maria does her best to trace her husband, but she is left to fend for herself. Maria is a capable woman and she finds herself another husband, but as time passes, she grows more distant from the people around her.


July 14, 2023


My third Fassbinder. I'm not a fan, but I must say that I like his films better than I'd expected. I'm not big on classic films or get very excited when watching German cinema, but there's a relative ease to his work that is a bit of a surprise. Just to say that The Marriage of Maria Braun could've turned out a lot worse.

The setting and characters weren't that appealing to me, so at the very start of the film I began to fear the two-hour runtime. The vibe and pacing are rather pleasant though, and the performances are decent. Not that the film stood out to me in any way, but I've seen a lot worse, so kudos to Fassbinder.