Plot: The night before his wedding, work colleagues throw Shunsuke a little surprise party. The groom indulges and has a few too many drinks. On his way home, he ends up in an ally and stumbles down a manhole. Later that night, he wakes up at the bottom of the hole, his leg badly wounded, and no way to escape the hole. As he calls around, only his ex-girlfriend picks up the phone. She is a little reluctant to come and look for him but he is able to convince her the situation is quite serious. Only she can't find
September 23, 2023
Kumakiri's latest is a smart thriller with a devilish dark comedy streak. It's been a while since Kumakiri made a straightforward genre film, but he's clearly still capable enough. #Manhole is claustrophobic, full of twists and turns and it offers a pretty sarcastic take on social media. The production is slick, there is hardly any fat and whenever the film looks like it is about to settle down, the story is given yet another extra spin. It's not a film that transcends its genre roots, but if you're looking for some prime but simple genre fun, this is no doubt one of the better offerings this year.