Plot: In Paris, young girls are turning up dead, with all the blood drained from them. A journalist jumps on the case, suspecting a juicy story. He gets a woman after him who seems hellbent on seducing him. Meanwhile, a mad professor is working on his masterwork, hoping to revive a dead woman.
August 17, 2024
A classic vampire movie ala Bava. That means poor special effects, Italian expressiveness, and cheesy sets. I assume the film is supposed to give off a gothic vibe, but all I can see are cardboard walls and tiny budgets. At least the runtime is short and the plot is zany enough to keep things moving along.
The performances are overdone, the vampire lore is basic and apart from the fun setup, the plot isn't all that interesting. It's a film where I had to struggle to find any appeal, but that seems to be par for the course with Bava's work. So far his fandom escapes me, though I can't say I'm too surprised.