Plot: Shinichi lives in a small town. He has a small social circle, and he's secretly in love with Rin. She fancies him too, but she works in a bar and frequently dates other men. She gets pregnant by a sleazy guy who isn't willing to leave his family for her. At first, Shinichi lets it pass, but he realizes he can't just stand by idly.
November 29, 2024
A fine contemporary drama. It has a slightly edgier take than most Japanese dramas, but the themes are consistent. Some 20-something adults are stuck in a small town and they're trying to make sense of their adult lives. That's easier said than done when choices are limited.
The performances are good, the presentation is pleasant (but not quite up there with the better films in the genre) and the drama is effective. The pacing and runtime are perfect too, the only thing missing is something that sets it apart from other films in the genre. Fans won't mind too much though.