Plot: Cyrus is head of a team of art thieves who steal from the rich and operate under a strict moral code. When they are snatched by Interpol, they are forced into a mission that has them steal the gold of a nefarious criminal. It's their biggest and most dangerous gig to date.
July 14, 2024
A typical Hollywood art heist production (also the kind Hong Kong liked to make), set in Europe. This is basic blockbuster fodder, built around Kevin Hart's persona. It's not a great film, but it has some larger-than-life action scenes and it is relatively short, so it doesn't outstay its welcome.
If you dislike Hart you're not going to appreciate this film, because he is very present. The performances are forgettable and the plot is silly, but the action is decent and the heist is pretty insane. It's not a great film, but not the worst way to pass 100 minutes either.