Plot: After the death of Caesar, the monkeys have refined their cultures, while mankind has been driven back and has reverted to its wild origin. But the different monkey tribes don't live in peace, and when a young monkey sees his clan and village destroyed, he starts an adventure that will open his eyes.
July 27, 2024
After a short lull, the Planet of the Apes series returns with more serious nonsense. I have to say I quite appreciate the idea behind these films, but the makers always seem to take it way too seriously. These films aren't fit to be dark adventures, instead, they should be cheesy entertainment. But alas.
The CG is pretty solid, but the film's aesthetic is rather plain and the universe of the film isn't the most appealing. The characters are dull, the plot is a relative bore and the runtime is excessive. Most of all, it lacks a little wink and some cheek, something that balances out the overload of drama that drives this film. Disappointing.