Plot: Carlos and Ana rented a cabin for New Year's Eve and invited Carlos's brother and father to join their little party. But Carlos is feeling a little down after having read a suspicious text Ana's boss sent her. Ana insists nothing weird is going on between them, but Carlos can't let it go. Meanwhile, Carlos' brother is still mourning the break-up with his ex, while Carlos' father is recovering from the death of his wife. All this family drama that will soon prove to be completely inconsequential, as God hims
August 06, 2020
What a lovely surprise. A dark comedy about a disjointed family who receive a surprise visit from a strange little man who claims he is God. Quirky from the beginning until the very end, wonderful performances, charming cinematography and an original take on an amusing subject. It's as if Álex de la Iglesia and Jean-Pierre Jeunet had a baby.