Plot: Humanity has reached its evolutionary peak and people are slowly devolving (hence the name) into the predatory primates they started out as. Hamming works for a firm that tries to keep a tab on the worst offenders, but it quickly dawns on him that his efforts are mostly in vain. When Hamming's girlfriend leaves him and stops contacting him shortly after, he decides to face this new world in a desperate attempt to track her down. What Hamming doesn't know is that one of his patients is on his tail, hoping to
September 09, 2019
Stylish and mysterious sci-fi that contrasts a small an intimate story against a world in peril. The film gears for a tricky balance between plot, atmosphere and abstract appeal, which Khvaleev executes with surprising precision. Involution is not without faults, but the good parts clearly outshine the problems. A very worthy sci-fi.