Hitoribocchi Janai
2022 / 136m - Japan
Drama, Romance
In Her Room poster

Plot: Susume is a young dentist. Since childhood, he's had trouble communicating with people, but he has learned to get by. One day he meets Miyako, a mysterious woman who lives in a lush flat. She asks Susume to move in with her and he agrees. As he spends more time with her, he gradually falls in love.


May 27, 2024


A fine romantic drama with slight fantastical touches. In Her Room had everything to become a personal favorite, but something didn't fully gel with me. There are some standout scenes and moments here, it's just the scenes in between that weren't quite good enough to tie everything together.

The sets are lovely and the cinematography is splendid. The soundtrack too adds a touch of mystery, but Ito is a bit too focused on individual scenes, leaving the movie as a whole somewhat underdeveloped. There's lots of potential here though, can't wait to see what she does next.