Plot: Rudger is Amanda's imaginary friend, and together they've been on many adventures. But a strange man appears on their doorstep and he is coming for Rudger. When they try to escape him Amanda is hit by a car and she lands in a coma. With no one there to keep him alive, Rudger is led to the land of the Imaginaries.
August 18, 2024
Another fine Studio Ponoc film, but even a direct Ghibli spin-off struggles to replicate the success of the legendary anime studio. The Imaginary is a sprawling fantasy adventure, sporting lush animation and imaginative creatures and worlds, but the film is just a little too kid-friendly for my taste.
It's not that there aren't any darker elements, the villain is quite scary and the plot has some adult themes (the film is based on a European children's novel), it's just that despite all the magic and wonder on display, it still feels quite familiar and predictable. It's worth a look if you're craving something Ghibli-like though, the core quality is there for sure.