Plot: Edward is a young boy who possesses an impressive sleight of hand. Sophie is impressed by his skills, but she comes from a wealthy background, whereas Edward is just a poor kid. The two are torn apart but will meet each other years later in Vienna. By then Edward is a famous illusionist, and Sophie is about to get married to the prince of Vienna.
October 12, 2023
A solid Hollywood romance. Thanks to its nice setting, some decent performances, enjoyable cinematography, and a touch of mysticism, this film rises above the rest. There's a layer of cheese that's laid on a little too thick. It kept me from fully enjoying it this time around, but it's still a pretty warm and cozy flick.
Norton and Biel are fine, Giamatti is the best addition to the cast. The sepia coloring gives the film some extra flair, the illusions sprinkle some extra mystery on top of the romance, and even though the runtime gets close to the 2-hour mark, the film never loses steam. Good stuff.
January 07, 2007
[review pending]