2024 / 104m - USA
IF poster

Plot: When Bea's father ends up in the hospital, she spends some time with her grandmother. Being back at her place brings back memories, and she comes in contact with a gang of imaginary friends who have lost their purpose in life. Bea decides to help them out, finding kids for them to spend time with.


September 15, 2024


Krasinski's IF deserves praise for being a stand-alone work, not just some franchise tie-in. It's nice to see something original targeted at the younger audiences. The film itself is a bit toothless and cheesy though, it's the kind of American hoopla that you may not even want to subject your children to.

The creatures are relatively imaginative and the presentation is decent enough, but I wasn't too taken with the voice work and at times it did feel like a Ryan Reynold project aimed at getting the young ones hooked onto his personality. I'm not the target audience of this film for sure, but I think kids deserve better than this. Still, it is far from the worst you'll get out of Hollywood.