Plot: A body is found in the stream that runs by La Matosa, a small village in Mexico. The body is identified as the local witch, a person both feared and revered by the people living in La Matosa. A girl goes to the police and claims she knows who killed the witch, but the story is more complex than she could've imagined.
September 01, 2024
A peculiar mix of drama and genre elements. The presentation is mysterious, the plot introduces horror, thriller, and crime elements, but at its heart, this is a drama with LGBTQ+ themes. It's not a trivial task to bring all of that together in a coherent package, but that's exactly what director Elisa Miller did.
The performances are good and the underlying drama is interesting, but it's the moody presentation that makes this a worthwhile film. Not the ugly 4:3 resolution, I have no clue why directors keep toying with that, but the cinematography is lush and the score and sound design are excellent. The ending is powerful too, impressive.