Plot: Nitta works for an advertising company, where he is assigned to design the packaging of an old anime box set. It's a low-profile project that seems doomed to fail until they hear of an alternate ending to the show's finale. When they dig up the footage, something strange happens to Nitta.
May 15, 2024
An interesting concept, but the film itself never quite seems to know what it wants to be. The execution is pretty serious and moody, the plot and visuals on the other hand feel more at home in a cheesy B-film. I think this would've been better as some over-the-top splatter project, but the film never gets close.
The performances are decent, the cinematography is proper, and the budget seems adequate. Which is nice, and as a result there are some fun and interesting scenes, but the film gets a little stuck whenever the film turns more grotesque. It's still an amusing little horror film, but it had the potential to be more.