Plot: The film revolves around David, an introverted loner who inherited an incredibly kitsch, sea-themed hotel from his father. The hotel is in shambles and closed down for guests, but when a young girl comes knocking David is too weak-willed to refuse her. Even one guest is too much excitement for him, and he goes back to rest on his bed. When he wakes up the hotel is suddenly bustling with people who are planning a big party, much to the chagrin of David.
April 14, 2021
A modern-day Eraserhead. A film that defies description and simply has to be experienced to be believed. The symbolism is thick, the coherence can be fickle and the brain may protest in disgust, but the creativity, absurdity and humor that bursts from every single scene and character is simply breathtaking. Not the easiest recommend, but if you think you can handle weird, you owe it to yourself to give Hotel Poseidon a try. Mesmerizing cinema.