Plot: Hatsumi is a meek and uncertain girl who is looking for purpose and identity. She's exactly the kind of girl guys fall for, and she's preyed upon by several boys in her neighborhood. There's a studious boy who tries to make her his slave, a childhood friend/teen idol who attempts to wow her with the glitz of show business, and even Hatsumi's brother is having a hard time controlling his feelings for her. Meanwhile, Hatsumi is following whoever offers her the world, but she soon realizes that people's intent
July 11, 2020
If you read the manga, beware. Yamato didn't set out to make a simple manga adaption, instead she wanted to make cinema. The tropes of the genre are exaggerated, the cinematography is lush, the soundtrack an interesting update of classical pieces and the editing ... well, the editing is simply to die for. This was awesome.