Plot: Oya High School is ruled by Murayama, who commands the part-timers and full-timers (which are further divided into smaller factions). Hanaoka is the up and coming kid ready to challenge Murayama's leadership. Before they are even ready to battle it out though, an outside threat messes up their plans. The Housen gang has beef with Oya and demands revenge for one of their fallen friends, while someone also started dealing a dangerous new drug on their territory. Murayama and Hanaoka decide to take care of bus
August 06, 2020
The latest in Shigeaki Kubo's High & Low series. Availability is a real problem here, with several installments lacking international distribution, but people familiar with the Japanese high school brawler won't have too much trouble finding their way. Big gangs of colorful characters, lots of posing, some crazy fights and a little drama to glue everything together. I have a soft spot for this niche and Kubo (who is on his fifth film now) has proven to have mastered the genre.