Ying Xiong Wu Lei
1984 / 82m - Hong Kong
Action, War
Heroes Shed No Tears poster

Plot: The Thai government is looking for mercenaries to do the dirty work for them. Drug traffickers have fled into the Vietnamese jungle, and the Thai government wants them gone forever. Chung and his gang accept the job, but only when he is allowed to save his son and daughter-in-law from the enemy.


December 05, 2008


Woo becoming very proficient at action cinema. The action choreography isn't his best and some of the stunts may look a little off, but the action is tough as bones and pleasantly crude. This film isn't for the faint of heart, or those who want more fleshed out drama to ground the action scenes.

The performances are solid, the bad guy in particular is quite nasty. The pacing is proper and the runtime is short, keeping things concise and to the point. The focus is action, the short drama intermezzos are just there to glue everything together. It's not Woo's best or most refined film, but it is good fun.