Plot: Ushiyama makes a strange discovery in the abandoned factory where they live. He finds a dead body, which on closer inspection turns out to be a robot. The thing looks like it was teleported right out of the 50s, but it's surprisingly capable and helpful, walking around as if it was a real human being. It also turns out to be a great digger, so the two of them dress it up, present it to the outside world as their dysfunctional cosplayer friend and put it to work in the mine. As you probably figured out by no
January 05, 2020
I'm not a big Yamashita fan, but this mix of absurd comedy and social drama is quite something else. It kept me guessing from start to finish, it held quite a few positive surprises and the ending is simply perfect, even though it doesn't really resolve anything. Hard-Core is a very pleasant surprise, though I'm sure it's not for everyone.