Plot: The film follows a rather mysterious man who arrives in a small rural town. The only baggage he carries with him is a little trunk. When he walks through the village, he notices that people are unhappy and demoralized, which makes this town perfect for trying out the invention he carries with him. A helmet that makes people remember their happiest memory, revitalizing their will to make something of their lives. The mayor is delighted with the inventor's visit and plans a session for all the people living i
January 07, 2022
Don't be fooled by the title, this isn't one of Tanaka's lighter films. Though the premise sounds perfect for a fun genre flick and the first third of the film leaves you guessing, the middle part and the finale hit pretty hard. Nagase is outstanding, the cinematography is stylish, the soundtrack is exemplary, the drama is captivating. Tanaka proves time and time again he's one of the most gifted and unique contemporary Japanese directors, which makes his somewhat lackluster international status that more frustrating.