Plot: Tai and Don are found in Tai's room, with Don holding a severed head in his hands. The police take the two boys with them for further questioning, but Tai has short-term memory loss, while Don suffers from Asperger. Through continued interrogation, a story slowly starts to emerge, with next door neighbors Yu Ting, Lung and Mei taking up a central role. Lung is a cop whose moral compass has gone completely haywire, Mei is his mistress and Yu Ting his daughter, a girl who goes to the same school as Tai and Do
July 01, 2021
A very candid, fresh and ballsy Hong Kong flick. Cheuk Pan Lee made quite an entry with this one. G Affairs is a visually arresting crime film that puts a couple of students in the middle of a violent crime scene. Two officers are trying to find out what happened, but the fickle medical conditions of the youngsters makes it hard to figure out what exactly went on there. G Affairs shifts between slick, poetic, raw, youthful and stylish at will, making this one of the strongest Hong Kong films of the past decade. Comes highly recommended.