Plot: Oscar is a young guy who is trying to make something of his life, trying to leave unfortunate past choices behind. After celebrating New Year's Eve, a scuffle on the metro ends badly for him. A couple of hours later, he succumbs from a gunshot wound after a violent police intervention.
August 06, 2021
The last day in the life of Oscar Grant, a young black man shot down by railway police in Fruitvale Station. It's a case that got a bit of media attention, so it's not too surprising to see a film based on these events. The film would be Coogler's big breakthrough, not too surprising since he adds his signature to this story.
Performances are good, and the drama is solid. Coogler gives his version of the facts and Oscar's character does feel a little too idyllic, but there have been so many similar cases that you can take the plot as an abstraction rather than a realistic account of Oscar's last day. Not quite as impactful as I'd hoped, but certainly not a bad film.