2023 / 95m - USA
Fog City poster


March 10, 2024


A generic horror that makes the best of its premise to add a little extra mood. It's dumb kids doing dumb things (played by dumb actors), so don't expect anything more going in, but thanks to its nighttime setting and abundance of fog, I found it to be relatively entertaining.

A mysterious factory in a small town has people talking. When some friends come together in a weekend house, they see the factory light up and a strange fog coming their way. Uncertain of what is going on, they lock themselves in, hoping they won't be affected by the dangerous fog.

There's a bit of cabin fever, an unknown enemy, and some horny kids making stupid decisions. There isn't too much gore or outright horror, but the presentation is solid and the sepia colors make for a moody setting. Pretty decent horror filler, but maybe it's because I've been cutting down on horror lately.