Shanidâru no Hana
2013 / 105m - Japan
Thriller, Sci-fi
Flower of Shanidar poster

Plot: Kyoko joined a company that conducts medical research into a unique flower. The flower is a parasite that can grow on the human chest, forming a special symbiosis with its host. When the flower blooms it can heal the mental state of its human, but the long-term effects of the symbiosis are unknown, and cutting the flower off is a dangerous procedure. The more Kyoko learns about the research, the more she questions the ethics of the company, and when she finds out that certain negative effects are covered up, she fears she might be part of a nefarious operation.


January 26, 2025


Flower of Shanidar is a (literally) hidden gem in Gakuryu Ishii's oeuvre. It's from Ishii's less punk-inspired era, so I'm assuming that's why it hasn't found any proper distribution. Ishii fans are well aware by now that the man has much more to offer than just punk antics though. This was a stylish sci-fi thriller, meticulously shot, aptly scored, properly cast, and offering something you just can't find anywhere else. I'm happy international audiences finally have an option to watch this, but it's difficult not to feel disappointed in the film industry. These types of films need to be championed, not buried.