Plot: The Flash is fast, even so, he usually gets the menial tasks while the rest of the Justice League is fighting off evil. When he discovers his speed allows him to travel back in time, he can't help himself and he tries to save his family from the malice that messed up their cozy lives. By doing that, he creates an alternate future (he may be fast, smart he is not).
July 29, 2023
It's a timely appearance for the DC hero. Now that Marvel is all-in on its multiverse, DC made good use of the Flash's abilities to travel back in time to create a similar setup. The film's a big mess though, a desperate attempt to recreate some of that Marvel money-making magic, made extra painful by the fact that Marvel is already on its return. How needy can you be?
The comedy falls flat, the CG is very disappointing, the plot is a messy patchwork of time travel ideas and superhero clichés and the film drags, which sucks for a superhero whose main power is speed. Oh, and the 80s/rock soundtrack is just baffling, who comes up with that? Even for a superhero flick, it's pretty damn bad.