Plot: Forst is an elderly, wealthy man, but his life feels empty. He wants to stir things up, so he leaves his wife for a younger woman, hoping this will make him feel something again. Meanwhile, his wife also hooks up with someone younger. These new relationships prove to be quite superficial though.
October 07, 2023
A pretty tough Cassavetes. I liked the setup, in theory, but the characters never really came to life and though it felt as if they were supposed to be lived-in and lifelike, I found the performances forced and awkward. The excessive runtime certainly didn't help either, making this a slog to sit through.
The empty lives of the rich and wealthy is a subject that has made quite a comeback these past couple of years, but it has the tendency to be a little shallow. What bothered me the most were the exaggerated performances though, especially as most of the film is spent on conversations between the different characters. Not for me.