Plot: Scarlett (also known as The Duchess) is a small-time thief who falls in love with Robert, a jewelry smuggler. He is a capable man and with two of his friends he forms a dangerous gang, but it's a tricky business and everywhere he goes Robert has enemies. Scarlett joins Robert's team and for a while things are great, but then they get wrapped up in a nasty case.
December 15, 2024
Neil Marshall has been looking for the best version of himself for a while now. Duchess is his take on the British crime (comedy) film, and there are parts of it that work well. It's just that there are much better films out there doing the same thing (think early Ritchie, or something like Layer Cake).
Kirk is a bit hit-and-miss (though she has a formidable accent, her strongest asset for sure), and the rest of the cast isn't quite the badasses they need to be either. Marshall's visual trickery is also a bit limited, but if you're looking for a slick action flick with some smirks along the way, I don't think it'll disappoint.