Plot: Broly is revived once more, but this time he's cloned by an evil scientist, who wants to use Bio-Broly and a few other Bio-warriors to uncover Satan's scam. A selection of the Dragon Ball crew is tasked with stopping the scientist and his bioengineered friends, which turns out to be quite the challenge.
August 02, 2023
The best of the DBZ films so far (though still no match for the original series). I wasn't really looking forward to another Broly revival, but I think this is the first of all the Z movies where there's an actual semblance of a plot, and where the last half hour of the film isn't spent on one tiresome, random fight.
The animation is slightly better, the plot doesn't stop dead in its tracks halfway through and the fight sequences are a bit more exciting. I still don't see the greatness of this franchise, but I do think it's at its best when it leans into the crazy and the weird, rather than the action. Decent.