Plot: Bulma is looking for the legendary dragon balls, after having found two in an old storage room. She bumps into Son Goku, whose grandfather also has one hidden away. They decide to journey together, but the Red Ribbon Army is also trailing the seven balls, and they want to take them with force.
August 22, 2023
Back to basic. We're losing the Z and we're going all the way back to the beginning of Dragon Ball, with the first scene showing how Son Goku and Bulma met up. It's not too weird for a 10th-anniversary flick to look back at the past, but it does require a mental shift, as the gap with the Z series is quite big.
The animation style is a lot nicer compared to Z. The animation itself is also better and the mix of comedy and adventure is way better suited to the material. I just prefer the original Dragon Ball material I guess, even though 80 minutes is a bit long for a rather flimsy plot. Solid entertainment though, which is more than I could say about most of the Z films.