Plot: During the peak summer, things are heating up in Brooklyn. Sal runs his pizza joint in the middle of a black neighborhood, hoping to find less competition there. Business is good, but tensions with the locals are rising. Sal's boys don't like the black kids visiting and his customers start to question Sal's reluctance to add a bit of couleur locale to his place.
December 02, 2024
Spike Lee's smart take on racism. It's been decades since I last watched Do the Right Thing, and while it's still a slick and poignant film, it isn't quite the masterpiece I once saw in it. That's mostly because of an evolving personal taste because I still had quite a bit of fun revisiting this one.
The performances are great, Lee's rendition of the setting and the cultures are perfect (on point, but also with a wink) and the escalation of the violence is spot on. The film is quite long though and the middle part could've used a bit of trimming. Still, if you haven't seen it yet, it's definitely worth a shot.
October 05, 2004
[review pending]